Online Producer and Journalist for Al Jazeera English digital based in Doha, Qatar March 2018 – present
Produced news pieces and features covering North America, Europe and the Middle East. Reported on the ground from Bosnia & Herzegovina, Turkey, Lebanon, Israel and occupied Palestinian territories.
Freelance Journalist May 2013 - March 2018
Freelance journalist writing articles, columns and filming videos for Al Jazeera English, Al Jazeera America, Al Jazeera Balkans, AJ+, Canadian Dimension, CBC, Deutsche Welle, Middle East Eye, Mondoweiss. Reporting from Canada, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Turkey and the occupied Palestinian territories.
Multimedia Reporter for Devon Dispatch in Devon, Alberta Nov 2013 - April 2014
Writing 8-10 articles per week on local politics such as a feature with former environment minister Diana McQueen on environmental monitoring agencies, current affairs, opinion pieces, arts and sports occurring in Devon, Leduc County and Parkland County; photographing, editing photos on Adobe Photoshop; laying out pages on Adobe InDesign; uploading articles to website; connecting with public and providing live updates through Facebook and Twitter
Articles also published in the Leduc Representative and La Nouvelle Beaumont News
Researcher Nov 2012 - April 2012
Researcher for “Lady Cadets of Pakistan“, a Canadian documentary on female combatants in Pakistan’s military
Editorial Assistant at CBC News Network in Toronto, ON. Oct 2012 - April 2013
Monitoring news lineup and scripts for live show, rolling teleprompter for news anchors for live broadcasts, searching and editing visuals to be used as clips and b-rolls for news stories, chasing guests to be interviewed live on show, pre-interviewing, forming questions and providing interview information for news anchor
Reporter for Toronto Observer TV News in Toronto, ON. Sept - Dec 2011
Writing scripts and presenting news stories for live TV show (news, entertainment and commentary), filming and reporting news stories (some of my TV stories include U of T’s Lip Dub event, Occupy Toronto and Toronto’s Spontaneous Prose Store), editing footage on Final Cut Pro
Reporter for Toronto Observer Newspaper Jan- Dec 2011
Pitching story ideas, editing copy, interviewing (city officials, politicians, humanitarians, artists, victims of assault, etc.), writing articles (400-750 words for sections such as News, Arts & Life, Sports and Commentary), laying out page designs on Adobe InDesign, photographing and editing photos on Adobe Photoshop
Reporter for Toronto Observer Radio News Jan- May 2011
Creating radio news stories and editing on Adobe Audition; writing scripts; summarizing news, entertainment and sports stories for live radio show; covering events such as the mayoral elections and interviewing Mississauga Mayor Hazel McCallion
CTV Live Event Monitor for 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver February 2010
Providing online content for CTV’s website- adding ad insertions and live commentaries during broadcasting of games, editing and subclipping video clips, translating from English to French
Skills and Awards Summary
Fluent in English, French, Bosnian, Croatian and Serbian
Computer/Design Skills: Adobe InDesign, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Audition, Final Cut Pro, iNews, DTV, VizRT, Garage Band
Participant in Fraser Institute’s Economics for Journalists conference 2014 in Vancouver, Canada
First place winner in Centennial College’s Photography Competition 2011
Recipient of Women in Leadership Scholarship 2009
Recipient of University of Toronto Entrance Scholarship 2008
University of Toronto: BA Honours specialization in journalism and major in French 2008 - 2012
Université Jean Moulin in Lyon, France Jan - June 2012
Université Laval, Québec, Québec Summer 2011
Université du Québec à Trois Rivières, Québec Summer 2010